a bird flew byの例文
bird and bird
He has written numerous papers on birds and bird-life. Monsters or rather gremlins, birds and bird men. His works became very popular and spread public interest in Danish birds and bird sp......

bird bird
The duet between Art Garfunkel's counter-tenor and Diana Krall's sultry whisper is welcomed by Moloney's morning-bird bird whistle. The lyrics fail to support the denouement of the drama a......

bird by bird
Just take it bird by bird . "' They waited, clipboards in hand, as a flock of pigeons descended, bird by bird. One of the more amusing is called " Bird by Bird, " by Anne Lamott. _From Lam......

blue bird micro bird
In 1975, Blue Bird introduced the Blue Bird Micro Bird. In the mid-1970s, the Wayne Busette and Blue Bird Micro Bird were introduced. The "'Blue Bird Micro Bird "'is a school bus produced ......

blue bird mini bird
The "'Blue Bird Mini Bird "'was a Type B school bus built by Blue Bird Corporation, introduced in 1977. Designed as a competitor for the Carpenter Cadet and Blue Bird Mini Bird, the Mighty......

a bee flew about in the room
A bee flew about in the room .

a lone sea gull flew across the sky
A lone sea gull flew across the sky .

a swallow flew past
A swallow flew past .

anthony flew
Some years ago I read Anthony Flew's " Thinking about Thinking ", which I greatly enjoyed. I first became interested in philosophical issues in my late teens, when I dipped into a little b......

antony flew
Is Antony Flew a RS in the context of Atheism? I wandered over here during the Antony Flew flap. This argument was rebutted by fellow philosopher Antony Flew and, later, by Max Black. Simi......

Clinton flew to this southern Italian city from Warsaw, Poland. More than 154, 000 passengers flew on Continental last Friday. We flew the next day to South Carolina to meet them. Many peo......

flew a kite
At least one child flew a kite _ an act also banned under the Taliban. He flew a kite in the rain ( after Thomas d'Alibard did a nearly identical experment with a tall iron rod ). In the b......

flew about
Rumors flew about who overestimated their losses and underestimated their insurance. He flew about 130, 000 miles on Delta this year. Others said it flew about the cabin like a rocket. The......

flew apart
Suddenly the glow brightened, flew apart and disintegrated into darkness. The delicate balance flew apart on president William Howard Taft's watch. This was one of those things that flew a......

flew around
Delivered from gravity and buoyancy, I flew around in space. For good measure, he just about flew around the bases. I was impressed with how he flew around and made catches. I really liked......

flew at
The flags flew at half-mast Sunday at Yankee Stadium. Flags flew at half-staff all over the quiet town. Bunting and banners flew at street parties across Britain on Monday. Flags at the Ou......

flew away
I was carrying him in my arms and he flew away. The ball flew away as Fryar bounced several feet in reverse. "The house flew away, " she said. It featured headliners inflatable prop pig fl......

flew blind
Once you've downloaded the demo version and installed it ( installation is automatic ), you're going to wonder why you flew blind so long.

flew by
When a helicopter flew by, an ice fisherman waved hello. Seconds later, hunks of torn metal flew by her window. Most astronomers predicted a boring Neptune when Voyager 2 flew by. Then Mic......

flew high
The company flew high in the 1980s with its trendy footwear. The flag flew high over several gas stations I passed. In her last result, she grabbed him and flew high up. A Bulldog flag fle......

flew in the face of
As usual, he flew in the face of conventional wisdom. This flew in the face of previous assumptions about clouds. Those opinions flew in the face of the numbers, which were terrible. His e......

flew into
Italian and British tour groups flew into Srinagar on Monday morning. The flight instructor was the one who flew into the storm. I flew into Lubbock ( Texas ) and drove to Portales, Sudden......

flew low
Fear briefly interrupted the wailing when a plane flew low overhead. A French helicopter flew low over the city throughout the day. Planes flew low Wednesday morning over Kabul but dropped......

flew off
The teacher was beaten and her glasses flew off her face. Whether the pilot noticed or not, the helicopter flew off. The man flew off on schedule and the woman said yes. He then flew off t......

flew off the handle
I am very surprised at the way Leon flew off the handle, One day she flew off the handle and lashed out at me. I am glad that no one flew off the handle. I just flew off the handle because......